
Calling all you geeks out there, the ZBox is here and it’s epic.

Whether your calling is films, games, or TV, ZBox has you sorted. Each box is jam-packed with memorabilia from all your favourite themes. With 4-7 products provided in each box, you’re guaranteed a smile on your face when opening it.

Every month involves a different theme, mixing things up for its subscribers. If you want an idea of some previous themes, the ZBox website has a full list. Some popular themes are Marvel, DC, Disney, and Harry Potter. Something for everyone.

What’s in the ZBox?

Depending on the theme of the box for that month, you’ll be provided with different items surrounding that franchise. Some items could be branded souvenirs, games, and toys. There will be more than enough to satisfy your inner nerd for that month.

Items in each box:

  • Exclusively designed t-shirt
  • 4-7 products worth over £35


There are several subscription packages available, ranging from 1 month to a year. Some packages come with special discounts depending on what you go for. You can try it out once or commit to a longer period of time and keep the goodies coming. The selection of subscriptions is mentioned below:

  • Monthly: £19.99
  • 3 Months: £18.99 per month
  • 6 Months: £17.99 per month
  • 12 Months: £16.99 per month

If the element of surprise is too much for you, you can design your own custom ZBox. These cost between £15-£30, but you’ll know exactly what you’re getting to avoid any disappointment.


If you have gotten enough of your ZBox fix for the moment, you can cancel your monthly plan. However, this has to be cancelled in a 14-day window from the day of dispatch. If you miss this window, you cannot cancel the box and will have to wait to cancel next month. 14 days is a good amount of time and helps ZBox’s operation move more smoothly.

What Makes the ZBox Special?

Relive your Favourites

You may have thought you’ve gotten all you can out of your favourite film or game. ZBox allows you to relive the best moments. Being able to collect items keeps the memory and the excitement alive.

Great Value for Money

Each box contains £35 worth of collectibles. Even with the monthly option, you are saving at least £15 a month. There’s nothing better than getting more than you’re paying. Similarly, subscription deals allow loyal members to save money in the long run. You can’t go wrong with that.

Amazing Gift Choice

You can share the love by gifting a ZBox to someone you care about. They don’t just have to be for you, and you can discuss the fantastic items each month. After all, what’s better than to experience your excitement with others?

Our Score: 9.2/10

A lot of subscription boxes focus on beauty and mainstream topics. ZBox provides the perfect balance of items for those geeks who want the excitement of a subscription box too. The value for money doesn’t hit the bank too badly and will leave you happy with what you’ve received.

From: £19.99